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नित्यूंदन गोत्रीय भिडे प्रतिष्ठानची वार्षिक सर्वसाधारण सभा रविवार दिनांक २५ सप्टेंबर २०२२ रोजी आयोजीत केली आहे.
स्थळ : आनंद मंगल कार्यालय, सारसबागे समोर, पुणे.

Family Deity & Rituals Of Nityundan Gotriya Bhides

The family Deity often consists of a God and a Goddess, and like most of the Indians, Bhides belonging to 'Kokanastha Brahmin' branch also have their family deity. The God is 'Shankar' and the Goddess is 'Parvati'. Almost all the Nityundan Gotriya Bhides (with an exception of very few) have 'Vyadeshwar' (meaning 'the destroyer of Evils') located at Guhagar, as the God & 'Yogeshwari' or 'Jogeshwari' located at 'Ambajogai, as Goddess as their family deity. These are essentially the various names of God Shankar, often ending with suffix 'Ishwar' and that of Goddess Parvati often called 'Durga' or 'Amba'. Some of the Bhides from Jamsande branch, have God 'Brahman' and Goddess Durga as their family Deity.It must be noted here that, out of the various meanings of the word 'Brahman' one meaning is 'Shankar'. In few other cases, migrated Bhides adopted the local 'Gram-Devata' or the locally worshipped God & the Goddess as their family deity

Like the family deity, there are certain rituals to be performed. Some of the main rituals that are performed by 'Bhides' are as follows: ( due to lack of Space, time & money, some of them have become out-dated or irrelevant)

1)Ganesh Chathurthi & Gauri
2)Navaratra & Mahalaxmi
4)Newly married couple to visit God 'Khandoba', Goddess 'Amba' etc.
5)Diwali and Dev-diwali
6)Navaratra of 'Khandoba' ( not very common)
7)Bodan- after birth, after 'Vratabandha' ( Munjya ), after marriage.
8)Gondhal & Jogava (not very common)
9)Dohale Jewan- lunch and feast to relatives in the seventh month of Pregancy.
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2009, All rights reserved Nityundan Gotriya Bhide Pratishthan, Mumbai, India.
Maintained by Infotools, Pune, Bharat
  |   *Last updated on :23 November, 2017   |   Add this website to favorites!